Become a CPR Instructor with American Heart Association and Red Cross in Wyoming


Are you passionate about saving lives and empowering others with life-saving skills? Consider becoming a CPR instructor with the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Red Cross, right here in beautiful Wyoming. We’re excited to offer you a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact on your community while pursuing a rewarding career in CPR instruction.

Why Choose CPR Instruction?

Teach Life-Saving Skills: As a CPR instructor, you’ll have the chance to impart crucial skills that can make the difference between life and death in emergency situations. You’ll be equipping individuals with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively during cardiac emergencies, and that’s a powerful gift to give.

Flexible Career: CPR instruction can be a flexible career choice. Whether you’re looking for a part-time opportunity, a side gig, or a full-time career change, there’s room for you in this field. You can adapt your schedule to suit your needs while still making a positive impact.

In-Demand Profession: The need for CPR and first aid training is constant. CPR instructors are in high demand, not only in healthcare settings but also in schools, businesses, and community organizations. Your skills will always be relevant and sought after.

Becoming a CPR Instructor

Becoming Certified: To become a CPR instructor, you’ll need to complete a certification process through reputable organizations like the American Heart Association and the Red Cross. This process typically involves:

  • Attending instructor training courses: These courses cover adult, child, and infant CPR, as well as AED (Automated External Defibrillator) use and first aid training.
  • Passing written and skills tests: You’ll need to demonstrate your proficiency in CPR techniques and your ability to effectively teach these skills.
  • Maintaining Certification: Regular re-certification ensures that you stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines and techniques.

Local Opportunities: In Wyoming, we value the importance of CPR training. Both the American Heart Association and the Red Cross have active chapters throughout the state, providing local opportunities for aspiring instructors. This means you can teach CPR where you live, making it convenient and accessible to your community.

Why Choose Us? is your local partner in launching your CPR instructor career. Here’s why you should choose us:

Expert Guidance: We offer comprehensive instructor training courses and ongoing support to help you succeed in your CPR instruction career. Our experienced instructors will mentor and guide you through the process.

Community Impact: is deeply committed to making a difference in Wyoming communities. By joining us, you become part of a network dedicated to saving lives and fostering a culture of preparedness.

Local Hiring: We are actively hiring CPR instructors in Wyoming. By choosing us, you open the door to local job opportunities and a chance to serve your fellow Wyomingites.

Join Us Today

Embark on an exciting journey to become a CPR instructor with the American Heart Association and the Red Cross right here in Wyoming. Your decision to teach life-saving skills can have a profound impact on individuals and communities alike. Contact us now to start your journey toward a fulfilling career in CPR instruction. Together, we can make Wyoming safer and more prepared for emergencies.